PEN Türkiye'ye Uluslararası Destek Mesajları...

14 Ocak 2013, Pazartesi

PEN Bosna-Hersek Merkezi:

Dear Tarik,
Here is the letter which we have just sent to the PEN International.
We hope it will be effective, and we do beleive that you and your friends will keep on doing a good work.

Friendly yours,
Zvonko and Ferida

P. E. N. I N T E R N A T I O N A L
A World Association of Writers

Center in Bosnia-Herzegovina – Sarajevo
Vrazova 1, 71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina
phone/fax + 387 33 200 155, + 387 33 217 854
Web site:

Sara Whyatt,
Writers in Prison Committee

Dear Ms. Whyatt,

We are appalled by the information issued by PEN International considering investigation put upon our colleagues in Turkey, Mr. Tarik Guenersel, President, and other officials and affiliates of PEN Center in Turkey. Mr. Guenersel is a pronounced advocate of freedom of expression, of free flow of thoughts and ideas between nations and peoples, and his work for PEN Center in Turkey can only represent an example of good and fruitful intellectual work in the interest of Turkish writers of all ethnic origins and in the interest of democracy in Turkey.
Therefore we call upon all competent officials of the Turkish Government to do whatever they can to terminate prosecution against PEN Center in Turkey.

Sarajevo, January 11th, 2013

On behalf of the Board,
Zvonimir Radeljković, President
PEN Center in Bosnia-Herzegovina

Hırvat PEN Merkezi'nden:

Zvonko Makovic
10 Ocak (2 gün önce)

Dear Tarik, dear members of PEN Turkey Board,
I'm very sorry for horrible circumstances you live in. I am with you.

Best wishes sincerely,

Zvonko Makovic
Vice President of Croatian PEN Centre

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